Source code for

Lease management

import datetime
import json
import numbers
import os
import sys
import time
import urllib.parse

from dateutil import tz

from blazarclient.client import Client as _BlazarClient # installed from github
# from heatclient.client import Client as HeatClient

from .server import Server, ServerError
from .util import random_base32

__all__ = ['lease_create_args', 'lease_create_nodetype', 'Lease',

DEFAULT_NODE_TYPE = 'compute_haswell'
DEFAULT_LEASE_LENGTH = datetime.timedelta(days=1)

[docs]def lease_create_args(name=None, start='now', length=None, end=None, nodes=1, resource_properties=''): """ Generates the nested object that needs to be sent to the Blazar client to create the lease. Provides useful defaults for Chameleon. :param str name: name of lease. If ``None``, generates a random name. :param str/datetime start: when to start lease as a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object, or if the string ``'now'``, starts in about a minute. :param length: length of time as a :py:class:`datetime.timedelta` object or number of seconds as a number. Defaults to 1 day. :param datetime.datetime end: when to end the lease. Provide only this or `length`, not both. :param int nodes: number of nodes to reserve. :param resource_properties: object that is JSON-encoded and sent as the ``resource_properties`` value to Blazar. Commonly used to specify node types. """ if name is None: name = 'lease-{}'.format(random_base32(6)) if start == 'now': start = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=70) if length is None and end is None: length = DEFAULT_LEASE_LENGTH elif length is not None and end is not None: raise ValueError("provide either 'length' or 'end', not both") if end is None: if isinstance(length, numbers.Number): length = datetime.timedelta(seconds=length) end = start + length if resource_properties: resource_properties = json.dumps(resource_properties) reservations = [{ 'resource_type': 'physical:host', 'resource_properties': resource_properties, 'hypervisor_properties': '', 'min': str(nodes), 'max': str(nodes), }] query = { 'name': name, 'start': start.strftime(BLAZAR_TIME_FORMAT), 'end': end.strftime(BLAZAR_TIME_FORMAT), 'reservations': reservations, 'events': [], } return query
[docs]def lease_create_nodetype(*args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper for :py:func:`lease_create_args` that adds the ``resource_properties`` payload to specify node type. :param str node_type: Node type to filter by, ``compute_haswell``, et al. :raises ValueError: if there is no `node_type` named argument. """ try: node_type = kwargs.pop('node_type') except KeyError: raise ValueError('no node_type specified') if node_type not in NODE_TYPES: print('warning: unknown node_type ("{}")'.format(node_type), file=sys.stderr) # raise ValueError('unknown node_type ("{}")'.format(node_type)) kwargs['resource_properties'] = ['=', '$node_type', node_type] return lease_create_args(*args, **kwargs)
class BlazarClient(object): """ Older BlazarClients didn't support sessions, just a token, so it behaves poorly after its token expires. This is a thin wrapper that recreates the real client every X minutes to avoid expiration. """ def __init__(self, version, session): self._version = version self._session = session self._client_age = None self._create_client() def _create_client(self): try: self._bc = _BlazarClient( self._version, blazar_url=self._session.get_endpoint(service_type='reservation', region_name=os.environ.get('OS_REGION_NAME')), auth_token=self._session.get_token(), ) except TypeError: # probably a newer version that wants session self._bc = _BlazarClient( self._version, session=self._session, service_type='reservation', region_name=os.environ.get('OS_REGION_NAME'), ) self._client_age = time.monotonic() def __getattr__(self, attr): if time.monotonic() - self._client_age > 20*60: self._create_client() return getattr(self._bc, attr)
[docs]class Lease(object): ''' Creates and manages a lease, optionally with a context manager (``with``). .. code-block:: python with Lease(session, node_type='compute_haswell') as lease: instance = lease.create_server() ... When using the context manager, on entering it will wait for the lease to launch, then on exiting it will delete the lease, which in-turn also deletes the instances launched with it. :param keystone_session: session object :param bool sequester: If the context manager catches that an instance failed to start, it will not delete the lease, but rather extend it and rename it with the ID of the instance that failed. :param bool _no_clean: Don't delete the lease at the end of a context manager :param lease_kwargs: Parameters passed through to :py:func:`lease_create_nodetype` and in turn :py:func:`lease_create_args` ''' def __init__(self, keystone_session, **lease_kwargs): self.session = keystone_session self.blazar = BlazarClient('1', self.session) self.servers = [] = None self._sequester = lease_kwargs.pop('sequester', False) lease_kwargs.setdefault('_preexisting', False) self._preexisting = lease_kwargs.pop('_preexisting') lease_kwargs.setdefault('_no_clean', False) self._noclean = lease_kwargs.pop('_no_clean') if self._preexisting: = lease_kwargs['_id'] self.refresh() else: lease_kwargs.setdefault('node_type', DEFAULT_NODE_TYPE) self._lease_kwargs = lease_create_nodetype(**lease_kwargs) =**self._lease_kwargs) =['id'] =['name'] self.reservations =['reservations']
[docs] @classmethod def from_existing(cls, keystone_session, id): """ Attach to an existing lease by ID. When using in conjunction with the context manager, it will *not* delete the lease at the end. """ return cls(keystone_session, _preexisting=True, _id=id)
def __repr__(self): netloc = urllib.parse.urlsplit(self.session.auth.auth_url).netloc if netloc.endswith(':5000'): # drop if default port netloc = netloc[:-5] return '<{} \'{}\' on {} ({})>'.format(self.__class__.__name__,, netloc, def __enter__(self): if is None: # don't support reuse in multiple with's. raise RuntimeError('Lease context manager not reentrant') self.wait() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc, exc_tb): if exc is not None and self._noclean: print('Lease existing uncleanly (noclean = True).') return if isinstance(exc, ServerError) and self._sequester: print('Instance failed to start, sequestering lease'), name='sequester-error-instance-{}'.format(, prolong_for='6d', ) return # if lease exists, delete instances current_lease = if current_lease: for server in self.servers: server.delete() if not self._preexisting: # don't auto-delete pre-existing leases self.delete()
[docs] def refresh(self): """Updates the lease data""" =
@property def status(self): """Refreshes and returns the status of the lease.""" self.refresh() # NOTE(priteau): Temporary compatibility with old and new lease status if'action') is not None: return['action'],['status'] else: return['status'] @property def ready(self): """Returns True if the lease has started.""" # NOTE(priteau): Temporary compatibility with old and new lease status if'action') is not None: return self.status == ('START', 'COMPLETE') else: return self.status == 'ACTIVE'
[docs] def wait(self): """Blocks for up to 150 seconds, waiting for the lease to be ready. Raises a RuntimeError if it times out.""" for _ in range(15): time.sleep(10) if self.ready: break else: raise RuntimeError('timeout, lease failed to start')
[docs] def delete(self): """Deletes the lease""" = None
[docs] def create_server(self, *server_args, **server_kwargs): """Generates instances using the resource of the lease. Arguments are passed to :py:class:`ccmanage.server.Server` and returns same object.""" server_kwargs.setdefault('lease', self) server = Server(self.session, *server_args, **server_kwargs) self.servers.append(server) return server