Source code for hammers.mysqlargs

# coding: utf-8
import configparser
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from . import MyCnf, MySqlShim

__all__ = ['MySqlArgs']

[docs]class MySqlArgs(object): """ Argument manager that combines command-line arguments with configuration files to determine MySQL connection info including the username, password, hostname, and port. The `defaults` provided take the lowest priority. If any value is found among the configuration files with a higher priority, it overrides it. The key names used are ``user``, ``password``, ``host``, and ``port``. """ def __init__(self, defaults, mycnfpaths=None): mycnf = MyCnf(mycnfpaths) for client_key in ['user', 'password', 'host', 'port']: try: new_value = mycnf['client'][client_key] except KeyError: continue defaults[client_key] = new_value self.defaults = defaults
[docs] def inject(self, parser): """ Adds arguments to a :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser`. * ``-u``/``--db-user`` * ``-p``/``--password`` * ``-H``/``--host`` * ``-P``/``--port`` * ``--service-conf``: A configuration file like ``/etc/ironic/ironic.conf`` that contains a database connection string. """ parser.add_argument('-u', '--db-user', type=str, default=self.defaults['user'], help='Database user (defaulting to "%(default)s")', ) parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', type=str, default=self.defaults['password'], help='Database password (default empty or as configured with .my.cnf)', ) parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', type=str, default=self.defaults['host'], help='Database host (defaulting to "%(default)s")', ) parser.add_argument('-P', '--port', type=int, default=int(self.defaults['port']), help='Database port, ignored for local connections as the UNIX socket ' 'is used. (defaulting to "%(default)s")', ) parser.add_argument('--service-conf', type=str, help='Configuration file to scrape connection details from. ' 'Overrides other settings if provided. Looks for section ' '"database" with key "connection"' )
[docs] def extract(self, args): """ Parses the arguments in the namespace returned by :py:meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args` to generate the final set of connection arguments. """ if args.service_conf: cp = configparser.ConfigParser() with open(args.service_conf, mode='r') as f: cp.read_file(f) parts = urlparse(cp['database']['connection']) self.connect_kwargs = { 'user': parts.username, 'passwd': parts.password, 'host': parts.hostname, 'port': parts.port or 3306, } else: pwd = args.password # remove quotes if they got pulled into the argument if pwd and len(pwd) > 1 and pwd[0] == pwd[-1] and pwd[0] in '\'\"': pwd = pwd[1:-1] self.connect_kwargs = { 'user': args.db_user, 'passwd': pwd, 'host':, 'port': args.port, }
[docs] def connect(self): """ Uses the prepared connection arguments and creates a :py:class:`hammers.mysqlshim.MySqlShim` object that connects to the database. """ return MySqlShim(**self.connect_kwargs)