================================== Management Scripts ("Hammers") ================================== These are the collection of scripts used to fix inconsistencies in the various OpenStack services. Not particularly bright tools, but good for a first-pass. The tools are run in a Python virtualenv to avoid package clashes with the system Python. On the CHI\@TACC and CHI\@UC controllers, they live at ``/root/scripts/hammers/venv``. The scripts can be called directly without any path shenanigans by providing the full path, e.g. ``/root/scripts/hammers/venv/bin/conflict-macs info``, and that is how the cronjobs do it. .. _env_setup: Setup =============== As mentioned in the intro, the scripts are run in a virtualenv. Here's how to set it up: 1. Get code .. code-block:: bash mkdir -p /root/scripts/hammers cd /root/scripts/hammers git clone https://github.com/ChameleonCloud/hammers.git 2. Create environment .. code-block:: bash virtualenv /root/scripts/hammers/venv /root/scripts/hammers/venv/bin/pip install -r /root/scripts/hammers/hammers/requirements.txt /root/scripts/hammers/venv/bin/pip install -e /root/scripts/hammers/hammers .. note:: Because the hammers repo was installed with ``-e``, some updates in the future can be done by ``cd``-ing into the directory and ``git pull``-ing. Updates that change script entrypoints in ``setup.py`` will require a quick ``pip install...`` 3. Set up credentials for OpenStack and Slack The :ref:`Puppet cronjobs ` have a configuration variable that points to the OS shell var file, for instance ``/root/adminrc``. There is also a file for Slack vars, e.g. ``/root/scripts/slack.json``. It is a JSON with a root key ``"webhook"`` that is a URL (keep secret!) to post to and another root key ``"hostname_name"`` that is a mapping of FQDNs to pretty names. Example: .. code-block:: json { "webhook": "https://hooks.slack.com/services/...super-seekrit...", "hostname_names": { "m01-07.chameleon.tacc.utexas.edu": "CHI@TACC", "m01-03.chameleon.tacc.utexas.edu": "KVM@TACC", "admin01.uc.chameleoncloud.org": "CHI@UC" } } Running ============= You can either ``source venv/bin/activate`` the virtualenv to put the scripts into the path, or directly execute them out of the directory, ``venv/bin/neutron-reaper`` Common Options: * ``--slack `` - if provided, used to post notifications to Slack * ``--osrc `` - alternate way to feed in the OS authentication vars Script Descriptions ======================= Neutron Resource "Reaper" ------------------------------ .. automodule:: hammers.scripts.neutron_reaper Conflicting Ironic/Neutron MACs ----------------------------------- .. automodule:: hammers.scripts.conflict_macs Undead Instances ----------------------- .. automodule:: hammers.scripts.undead_instances Ironic Node Error Resetter ------------------------------ .. automodule:: hammers.scripts.ironic_error_resetter Dirty Ports ------------- .. automodule:: hammers.scripts.dirty_ports Orphan Resource Providers ------------------------- .. automodule:: hammers.scripts.orphan_resource_providers Curiouser -------------- .. automodule:: hammers.scripts.curiouser Metadata Sync --------------- .. automodule:: hammers.scripts.metadata_sync GPU Resource "Lease Stacking" --------------- .. automodule:: hammers.scripts.gpu_lease_stacking .. _puppet_jobs: Puppet Directives ====================== Add cronjob(s) to Puppet. These expect that the above :ref:`setup ` is already done. .. code-block:: puppet $slack_json_loc = '/root/scripts/slack.json' $osrc_loc = '/root/adminrc' $venv_bin = '/root/scripts/hammers/venv/bin' cron { 'hammers-neutronreaper-ip': command => "$venv_bin/neutron-reaper delete ip 14 --slack $slack_json_loc --osrc $osrc_loc 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t hammers-neutronreaper-ip", user => 'root', hour => 5, minute => 20, } cron { 'hammers-ironicerrorresetter': command => "$venv_bin/ironic-error-resetter info --slack $slack_json_loc --osrc $osrc_loc 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t hammers-ironicerrorresetter", user => 'root', hour => 5, minute => 25, } cron { 'hammers-conflictmacs': command => "$venv_bin/conflict-macs info --slack $slack_json_loc --osrc $osrc_loc --ignore-from-ironic-conf /etc/ironic/ironic.conf 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t hammers-conflictmacs", user => 'root', hour => 5, minute => 30, } cron { 'hammers-undeadinstances': command => "$venv_bin/undead-instances info --slack $slack_json_loc --osrc $osrc_loc 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t hammers-undeadinstances", user => 'root', hour => 5, minute => 35, } cron { 'hammers-orphanresourceproviders': command => "$venv_bin/orphan-resource-providers info --slack $slack_json_loc 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t hammers-orphanresourceproviders", user => 'root', hour => 5, minute => 40, } cron { 'hammers-gpuleasestacking': command => "$venv_bin/lease-stack-reaper delete --slack $slack_json_loc 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t hammers-leasestacking", user => 'root', hour => 5, minute => 40, }