Source code for hammers.osapi

# coding: utf-8
Tools to convert credentials into authentication and authorization in raw
Python, as opposed to the Python APIs provided by ``keystoneauth1`` or the
like. They were largely created out of frustration with the apparent
moving target and inconsistencies of the OS client APIs, which was also
exacerbated by the Blazar client being fairly nacent.

.. admonition:: Compare and contrast

    :py:mod:`ccmanage.auth` which *does* use the Python APIs.
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals

import datetime
import getpass
import logging
import os
import re

from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse
from import tzutc
import requests


[docs]def add_arguments(parser): """ Inject an arg into the user's parser. Intented to pair with :py:meth:`Auth.from_env_or_args`: after argparse parses the args, feed that the args namespace. """ parser.add_argument('--osrc', type=str, help='OpenStack parameters file that overrides envvars.')
[docs]def load_osrc(fn, get_pass=False): '''Parse a Bash RC file dumped out by the dashboard to a dict. Used to load the file specified by :py:func:`add_arguments`.''' envval = re.compile(r''' \s* # maybe whitespace (?P<key>[A-Za-z0-9_\-$]+) # variable name = ([\'\"]?) # optional quote (?P<value>.*) # variable content \2 # matching quote ''', flags=re.VERBOSE) rc = {} with open(fn, 'r') as f: for line in f: match = if not match: continue match = match.groupdict() rc[match['key']] = match['value'] try: password = rc['OS_PASSWORD'] except KeyError: pass else: if password == '$OS_PASSWORD_INPUT': rc.pop('OS_PASSWORD') if get_pass: rc['OS_PASSWORD'] = getpass.getpass('Enter your password: ') return rc
[docs]class Auth(object): """ The Auth object consumes credentials and provides tokens and endpoints. Create either directly by providing a mapping with the keys in ``required_os_vars`` or via the :py:meth:`Auth.from_env_or_args` method. """ _L = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.Auth') required_os_vars = { 'OS_USERNAME', 'OS_PASSWORD', 'OS_PROJECT_ID', 'OS_AUTH_URL', }
[docs] @classmethod # def from_env_or_args(cls, *, args=None, env=True): # <py2 kwargs compat> def from_env_or_args(cls, **kwargs): """ Loads the RC values from the file in the provided *args* namespace, falling back to the environment vars if *env* is true. :py:func:`add_arguments` is a helper function that will add the "osrc" argument to an argparse parser. Returns an Auth object that's ready for use. """ args = kwargs.get('args', None) env = kwargs.get('env', True) # </py2 kwargs compat> os_vars = {} if env: os_vars = {k: os.environ[k] for k in os.environ if k.startswith(OS_ENV_PREFIX)} if args and args.osrc: os_vars.update(load_osrc(args.osrc)) return cls(os_vars)
def __init__(self, rc): self.rc = rc missing_vars = self.required_os_vars - set(rc) if missing_vars: raise RuntimeError('Missing required OS values: {}'.format(missing_vars)) self.auth_url = self.rc['OS_AUTH_URL'] self.region = self.rc.get('OS_REGION_NAME', None) self.authenticate()
[docs] def authenticate(self): """ Authenticate with Keystone to get a token and endpoint listing """ response = + '/auth/tokens', json={ "auth": { "identity": { "methods": [ "password" ], "password": { "user": { "domain": { "id": "default" }, "name": self.rc['OS_USERNAME'], "password": self.rc['OS_PASSWORD'] } } }, "scope": { "project": { "id": self.rc['OS_PROJECT_ID'] } } } }) if response.status_code != 201: raise RuntimeError( 'HTTP {}: {}' .format(response.status_code, response.content[:400]) ) json = response.json() self._token = response.headers['x-subject-token'] self.service_catalog = json['token']['catalog'] self.expiry = dateparse(json['token']['expires_at']) self._L.debug('New token "{}" expires in {:.2f} minutes'.format( self._token, (self.expiry - / 60 ))
@property def token(self): """ Read-only property that returns an active token, reauthenticating if it has expired. Most services accept this in the HTTP request header under the key ``X-Auth-Token``. """ if (self.expiry - < 60: self.authenticate() return self._token
[docs] def endpoint(self, type): """ Find the endpoint for a given service *type*. Examples include ``compute`` for Nova, ``reservation`` for Blazar, or ``image`` for Glance. """ services = [ service for service in self.service_catalog if service['type'] == type ] if len(services) < 1: raise RuntimeError("didn't find any services matching type '{}'".format(type)) elif len(services) > 1: raise RuntimeError("found multiple services matching type '{}'".format(type)) service = services[0] endpoint = [ e for e in service['endpoints'] if e['interface'] == 'public' and e['region'] == self.region ][0] if not endpoint: raise RuntimeError("didn't find endpoint for service") return endpoint['url']