Source code for hammers.util

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import contextlib
import functools

def error_message_factory(subcommand):
    return functools.partial(error_with_message, subcommand)

def error_with_message(subcommand, reason, slack=None):
    """Raises a :py:exc:`RuntimeError` with `reason`, but if `slack` is not
    :py:not before sending
    a message to Slack"""
    if slack:, reason, color='xkcd:red')
    raise RuntimeError(reason)

[docs]def drop_prefix(s, start): """Remove prefix `start` from sting `s`. Raises a :py:exc:`ValueError` if `s` didn't start with `start`.""" l = len(start) if s[:l] != start: raise ValueError('string does not start with expected value') return s[l:]
# 3.7+ has
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def nullcontext(*args, **kwargs): """With ``with``, wiff (do nothing). `Added to stdlib in 3.7 <>`_ as :py:func:`contextlib.nullcontext`""" yield
if __name__ == '__main__': assert drop_prefix('x:1234', 'x:') == '1234' assert drop_prefix('abcde', 'abc') == 'de' try: drop_prefix('1234', 'a') except ValueError: pass else: assert False